Autoship & Save

How Autoship works

Choose your Autoship eligible items and your delivery schedule.

Get your items delivered automatically, right when you need them.

Once you're on Autoship, you save 5% on every order.

Update, skip, or cancel anytime.

Reasons to love Autoship

No Commitment. No fees.

We get it, sometimes life and pets are unpredictable, so we make it easy to change, skip or cancel any order anytime, all without any fees, ever.

Priority service

Even if we’re running low on your products, you get priority so you can always count on what you need showing up on your doorstep. What a relief.

Zero guesswork

We’ll keep you in the loop on your delivery status so you know exactly when to expect it or make changes to your order before it ships.

Frequently Asked Questions

Getting Started with Autoship

How does Autoship work?

How do I choose a frequency?

Managing Your Autoship

How can I add or remove items in my Autoship?

How do I reschedule or delay my Autoship?

How do I cancel my Autoship?

*Maximum savings of CA $15. For Autoship eligible items only. Some exclusions apply. Discount automatically applied when Autoship is selected at checkout. No coupons necessary. Terms apply.