Can Rabbits Eat Cucumbers?

What you need to know before serving cukes to your bunny.
Photo of a gray rabbit with ears cocked as if to ask, "Can rabbits eat cucumber?"

Photo by Mary Swift/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Cucumbers are a favorite healthy snack for humans, thanks to their water content, nutrients, and delightful crunch—but can rabbits eat cucumbers with the same gusto? A pet rabbit’s diet primarily consists of hay and pellets, but tossing them some fresh veggies, including cucumbers, can be a fun treat. Still, there are some considerations to keep in mind regarding food prep and daily allotment. Let’s hop into it.

Health Benefits of Cucumbers for Rabbits

Cucumbers are a safe and refreshing treat that you can give to your rabbit in moderation, says Dwight Alleyne, DVM, a senior veterinary associate at Petfolk in Sandy Springs, Georgia. Cucumber shouldn’t be a primary part of your rabbit’s diet, but rather a snack or treat you provide for your pet every once in a while.

Small amounts of cucumber can have health benefits for rabbits because cucumbers offer:

  • Vitamins: The nutritional value of cucumbers isn’t super high, but they do contain a small amount of vitamins K and C, says Joanne Fernandez-Lopez, DVM, an associate veterinarian for Dutch, an online veterinary service based in Oakland, California.
  • Hydration: Consisting of 96% water, cucumbers make great hydrating treats for rabbits, says Dr. Alleyne.
  • Fiber: While cucumbers don’t have as much fiber as some other vegetables do, they contain some, which is beneficial to your rabbit, Dr. Fernandez-Lopez says.
  • Low calorie count: Compared to other fresh produce (especially fruits), cucumbers are a low-calorie snack for your pet rabbit, which helps prevent obesity.

Fun Fact: The dark green cucumber skin is where you’ll find the most nutrients and fiber, Dr. Alleyne says. So there’s no need to peel it off before feeding cucumbers to your rabbit. The white section inside is where most of the water content is, as well as the seeds (which are OK for your rabbit to eat too).

Potential Risks of Feeding Cucumbers to Rabbits

Fortunately, there’s not much to worry about when feeding cucumbers to rabbits. The biggest issue, notes Dr. Fernandez-Lopez, is that cucumbers can become a choking hazard if they aren’t chopped into very small pieces.

Additionally, because cucumbers have a high water content, it’s important to not feed rabbits too much of them at once. Too much cucumber can cause some gastrointestinal upset, such as soft stool or diarrhea. (We’ll break down how much cucumber is safe for your rabbit below.)

As always, there’s a potential for an adverse reaction any time you introduce a new food to your rabbit. It’s best to feed them only a small amount and then monitor for any signs of allergies or upset stomach, such as lethargy, bloating, or diarrhea.

How To Prepare Cucumbers for Rabbits

Before feeding cucumber to your bunny, it’s important to wash the vegetable very well with soap and water and then rinse it thoroughly. Many non-organic vegetables contain pesticides and heavy metals, which can affect your rabbit’s tummy and health. Dr. Alleyne recommends feeding rabbits organic produce to mitigate this issue.

Once it has been cleaned, cut the cucumber into thin slices and serve.

How Much Cucumber Can I Give My Rabbit?

Rabbits can have up to two slices of cucumber three to four times per week, says Dr. Alleyne.

For bunnies getting their first taste of cukes, begin with just one slice and then monitor their droppings. “If everything looks good—no diarrhea—then you can add another slice to their diet,” Dr. Alleyne says.

Remember that hay should be your rabbit’s primary food source, and it can be supplemented with a small amount of fresh vegetables and a measured amount of pellets according to the rabbit’s body weight. In other words, cucumber and other vegetables shouldn’t be their sole diet.

FAQs About Rabbits and Cucumbers

Can rabbits eat cucumber skin?

Yes, rabbits can eat cucumber skin. In fact, this is the most nutritionally dense and fibrous part of the vegetable. You do not need to peel a cucumber before giving it to your pet rabbit.

Can rabbits eat cucumber plants and leaves?

Rabbits can eat cucumber plants and leaves in moderation. If you have excess in the garden, it’s OK to feed them part of the plant. If you’re getting cucumber plants and leaves from another source, make sure to wash them extra thoroughly.

Can rabbits eat pickles?

Rabbits shouldn’t eat pickles. The extra salt content isn’t ideal for their little bodies, and sometimes pickles contain garlic and other ingredients or spices that are toxic or otherwise unhealthy for your bunny. If your rabbit eats a small bite of a pickle, monitor them for signs of an upset tummy, including bloating, loss of appetite, diarrhea, and lethargy. If they eat a large amount or if the pickles contain garlic, contact your veterinarian.

Do rabbits like cucumbers?

Thanks to cucumbers’ juicy water content and crunchy texture, rabbits generally do enjoy eating them. Still, you should feed this produce to your pet only in moderation (it should not be a primary part of your rabbit’s diet), and be sure to properly prepare it by washing and thinly slicing.

Rabbits and cucumbers get along swimmingly, so feel free to toss thinly sliced pieces to your hopping friend every once in a while. Just remember that hay is their primary food source and that fresh veggies are considered supplemental.

This content was medically reviewed by Teresa Manucy, DVM, Chewy veterinarian.